Optimize Your Design with an Eye on Manufacturability

We're built to serve demanding industries like biotech, defense, semiconductor, and space exploration, where there's no room for error. The physical, environmental, and optical demands of these systems require meticulous optics and assemblies, and that begins with a fully vetted design that considers restraints and optimizes performance against them. Factors like image quality, cost, manufacturability, weight, and integration all come into play.

LaCroix's engineering and manufacturing teams have your back. If you have a production-ready print that needs another set of eyes, or if you need help working through a specific optical design challenge, we'll leverage our 75+ years of experience to get it right. 

Optical Design Support

Turn to LaCroix for help with:


Why Choose LaCroix Precision Optics?

Customer-First Approach Vertically Integrated for Design-Build-Test Quality Optics at a Fair Price Quality in Pursuit of Perfection
A relationship-driven approach to delivering the highest quality optics and assemblies. Streamlines the process from quoting through production. Our engineers handle optics fabrication, optical assemblies, coating, and testing. Your project stays on track through our extensive network of vetted supply chain partners who provide the highest quality hardware components. We consistently verify, monitor, and measure materials and components per your design spec.